CERATIZIT 森拉天时是一家专注于切削刀具和硬质材料解决方案的高科技工程集团。
CERATIZIT 森拉天时- 塑造未来
100 多年来,CERATIZIT森拉天时一直在开发和生产复杂的硬质材料切削和磨损保护解决方案:从高度专业化的切削刀具、可转位刀片和硬质合金棒材,到用于木材和石材加工的新型硬质合金和金属陶瓷材质。材料和应用的不断创新帮助我们和我们的客户创造了大量的机器、工具、应用和消费品,它们塑造了我们的直接环境并成为我们日常生活的一部分。
自 CERAMETAL 和攀时 Tizit 作为先进硬质合金产品的先驱开始以来,已经过去了将近一个世纪。对开发磨损保护和切削工具的新技术和创新解决方案的持续渴望促使这些公司在全球范围内发展壮大。他们在 2002 年的合并标志着硬质合金行业新的全球参与者的诞生:CERATIZIT森拉天时。
全球 30 多个生产基地
CERATIZIT森拉天时在全球范围内生产,在欧洲、亚洲和北美设有 30 多个生产基地。这还包括我们的合资企业 CB-CERATIZIT 森拉天时的生产基地,这是我们在亚洲的重要组成部分。
全球超过 8000 名员工
在CERATIZIT森拉天时,我们有 8,000 多名员工在全球 30 多个生产基地工作。我们聘请了一支由工程师、科学家、经济学家和社会学家组成的多学科团队,以及具有不同经验和培训背景的员工。作为一个团队,我们孜孜不倦地工作,不断开发新的硬质合金解决方案。
CERATIZIT 森拉天时10 个管理职位中有 8 个是内部填补的。每一天,我们都重申我们的信任、开放和发展空间的管理原则。为了不断提高我们的管理质量,我们提供了许多发展计划,包括高级或综合管理培训、综合发展培训以及各种主管和团队领导课程。
CERATIZIT森拉天时在全球拥有 1000 多项专利和实用新型,在研发领域拥有 200 多名员工。凭借我们屡获殊荣的创新刀具解决方案和涂层,CERATIZIT森拉天时已成为众多应用领域的全球市场领导者。
碳化物已经有 100 多年的历史了,它们的应用范围实际上是无限的。在易损件和切削工具方面,CERATIZIT森拉天时一直在寻找新的挑战,而当我们这样做时,我们都在寻找量身定制的解决方案。
18 英寸铝轮毂 8 分钟
使用 CERATIZIT 森拉天时切割工具,您可以在不到 8 分钟的时间内制作出四个 18 英寸的铝制运动轮毂。
700 毫米长 XXL 杆
CERATIZIT森拉天时的 XXL 钻杆被工具制造商用来生产 700 毫米长的双刃麻花钻。这些工具允许您在卡车或海军舰艇发动机的大型曲轴上钻孔润滑孔,速度比传统工具快六倍。对开发人员来说,最困难的任务是确保冷却孔在整个杆上盘旋,尽管这些杆的长度特别长,但仍能保持其位置和倾斜度。
我们在 CERATIZIT 森拉天时生产的最轻质硬质合金刀具刀片仅重 0.2 克。用于安装刀片的孔比硬质合金零件大。该刀片用于通用铣削应用中的精加工。最重的刀片重 450 克,用于棒材剥离。
用于制造合成钻石的高压工具重达 700 多公斤。然而,一个笔球只有几毫克重。 CERATIZIT 森拉天时使用各种不同的制造工艺,从而生产出各种几何尺寸的硬质合金产品。
因子 80
CERATIZIT森拉天时耐腐蚀CF牌号主要用于制造冲压、弯曲、切割和压印工具。这些获得专利的硬质合金牌号有助于将腐蚀趋势和腐蚀速度降低 80 倍。鉴于某些工具的高腐蚀潜力,CF 牌号确保其耐腐蚀性显着提高,从而实现经济生产和始终如一的长使用寿命。
0.2 微米
CERATIZIT森拉天时的硬质合金是由碳化钨和钴组成的复合材料。软钴用作粘合剂并增加碳化物的韧性。碳化钨提供所需的硬度和必要的耐磨性。获得最佳硬质合金牌号取决于钴的用量和硬质相的晶粒尺寸。为确保最高水平的耐磨性,CERATIZIT森拉天时将钴含量降至最低,并将碳化钨的晶粒尺寸降至 0.2 微米以下。
在 1300°C 和 1500°C 之间的温度和高达 100 bar 的压力下,压制生坯部件被烧结成致密、均匀和极硬的硬质合金形式,其体积最多减少 50%。
CERATIZIT is a high-technology engineering group specialised in cutting tools and hard material solutions.
CERATIZIT - Tooling the Future
For over 100 years, we have been developing and producing sophisticated hard material cutting and wear protection solutions: From highly specialized cutting tools, indexable inserts and carbide rods to new types of carbide and cermet grades for wood and stone working. The constant innovation of materials and applications helps us and our customers to create a large number of machines, tools, applications, and consumer goods which shape our immediate environment and are part of our everyday life.
Over 100 years of history
From pioneer to global player
Almost a whole century has passed since CERAMETAL and Plansee Tizit first started out as pioneers of advanced carbide products. A constant thirst for developing new technologies and innovative solutions for wear-protection and cutting tools led these companies to grow and expand on a global scale. Their merging in 2002 marked the birth of a new global player in the carbide industry: CERATIZIT.
More than 30 production sites worldwide
CERATIZIT is producing worldwide with more than 30 production sites in Europe, Asia and Northamerica. This also includes production sites of our joint-venture CB-CERATIZIT which is an important part of our presence in Asia.
More than 8000 employees worldwide
Here at CERATIZIT we have over 8,000 employees working at more than 30 production sites across the globe. We employ a multidisciplinary team of engineers, scientists, economists and sociologists, as well as staff with varied experience and training backgrounds. Together as a team we work tirelessly to continuously develop new carbide solutions.
8 out of 10 of management positions at CERATIZIT are filled internally. With each new day we reaffirm our management principles of trust, openness and scope for development. In order to continually improve the quality of our management we offer a number of development programmes, including Senior or General Management Training, General Development Training and various Supervisor and Team Leader courses.
More than 1000 patens & utility models
CERATIZIT holds more than 1,000 patents and utility models worldwide and employs more than 200 employees in the field of R&D. Thanks to our innovative, award-winning tool solutions and coatings CERATIZIT has become a global market leader in numerous fields of application.
100 years of experience
Carbides have been available for over 100 years now and their scope of application is practically limitless. We are always looking for new challenges when it comes to wear parts and cutting tools, and when we do we are all about finding tailor-made solutions.
8 minutes for an 18 inch aluminum wheel
With CERATIZIT cutting tools you can make four 18-inch aluminium sports wheels in less than eight minutes.
700 milimeters long XXL rods
Our XXL rods are used by tool manufacturers to produce 700 millimetre-long double-edged twist drills. These tools allow you to drill lubrication holes into large crankshafts for truck or naval vessel engines six times faster than conventional tools. The most difficult task for the developers was to ensure that the cooling holes, spiraling throughout the rods, retain their position and inclination despite the exceptional length of these rods.
0.2 grams is the most lightweight insert
The most lightweight carbide cutting tool insert we produce at CERATIZIT weighs just 0.2 grams. The hole used to mount the insert is larger than the carbide part. The insert is used for finishing in universal milling applications. The heaviest insert weighs 450 grams and is used for bar peeling.
700 kg heavy tools
A high-pressure tool used to manufacture synthetic diamonds can weigh over 700 kilograms. A pen ball, however, weighs just a few milligrams. CERATIZIT uses a variety of different manufacturing processes, which in turn produce carbide products of various geometrical dimensions.
Factor 80
Corrosion-resistant CF grades are mainly used to make tools for punching, bending, cutting and coining. These patented carbide grades help to reduce corrosion tendency and speed of corrosion by a factor of 80. Given the high corrosive potential of certain tools, CF grades ensure that their corrosion resistance is considerably increased, resulting in economical production and consistently high lifetime.
0.2 micrometers
Our cemented carbides are composites consisting of tungsten carbide and cobalt. The soft cobalt serves as a binding agent and adds toughness to the carbide. Tungsten carbide delivers the required hardness and necessary wear resistance. Achieving the optimum carbide grade is dependent on the amount of cobalt used and the grain size of the hard phase. To ensure the highest level of wear resistance we reduce the cobalt content to a minimum and the grain size of the tungsten carbide to less than 0.2 micrometres.
1500° C
At temperatures of between 1300°C and 1500°C and pressures of up to 100 bar, pressed green parts are sintered to a dense, homogeneous and extremely hard form of cemented carbide, reducing its volume by up to 50 percent.
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